Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Friday, 19 October 2012

Monday, 8 October 2012

Why gamebooks are great for those with dyslexia

Last week was National Children's Book Week (in case you didn't know) and this week is Dyslexia Awareness Week. In honour of both, I want to tell you why gamebooks are great for children with dyslexia.

1) They have short paragraphs, printed in a large clear font.

2) They have engaging storylines that a children can lose themselves in.

3) Because of their very structure, the reader jumps backwards and forwards through the book so they are not put off by the feeling that there are still hundreds of pages left to read.

4) They are very often illustrated and in a mature style, with gruesome images of monsters and magical creatures.

So if you have a reluctant reader at home or your child struggles with dyslexia, why not try introducing them to the wonders of adventure gamebooks?

Friday, 5 October 2012

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

What happened when MPs took a maths exam

Most of them hadn't got a clue what they were doing, that's what!

You can read the full story here.

I wonder what the probability is of them being re-elected?

There really is no excuse for Labour MPs being so bad at Maths, especially after I stood outside the Department for Children, Schools and Families giving away copies of Match Wits With the Kids back when they were still in power.

If your Maths is a little shaky, you can pick up your copy of Match Wits With the Kids: A Little Learning For All the Family here.