Welcome to the blog for the book 'Match Wits with the Kids', the fun revision guide for parents and children alike.
What's that? Fun revision?
Yes, it's true. Learning can be fun!
The inspiration for writing 'Match Wits with the Kids' was to create a guide that would help parents of school-age children recall all those things they once learnt at school themselves but which they may now have forgotten, probably because of having children and the resulting pressures that life has thrown at them.
Of course, it is also the perfect way to help children who are school themselves consolidate their learning in an interesting way.
To give you a better idea of what you'll find inside the book, check out the blurb from the publishers Icon Books.
So, who was the first Tudor king?
What is a preposition, or a conjunction for that matter?
How exactly does photosynthesis work?
And what on Earth is 5-3 trying to tell us?
If you’ve ever been told to carpe diem, but were unsure whether or not that was an insult, then don’t feel alone – we all find it hard to hold on to our school knowledge these days.
Fortunately Jonathan Green, a highly experienced teacher and popular author,is on hand to remind you of all the important things you used to know.With detailed, witty lessons on English, maths, the sciences, history,geography, languages and Classics, Match Wits With The Kids will refresh your memory and answer the questions you were afraid to admit you needed to ask.
Packed full of fun, facts and tests for all the family, Match Wits With The Kids will equip you with a bulletproof general knowledge ... just what you need to stay one step ahead of smart-alec children (or catch up with know-it-all grown-ups).
'Match Wits with the Kids' is published this June by Icon Books. Check back here for more news about the release and more.